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« Free Vertical Compositions »
« Free Vertical Compositions » is a musical and visual duet with my computer.
The music of this project is based on a secret composed-improvised-improvised-composed system.
There is a 16 pages booklet inside the cover of the CD.
It contains digital art that I have created the same way as the music.
It is a new collaboration with Maïkôl Seminatore for the mix and Marwan Danoun for the mastering.
The creative freedom of Pierre Boulez, as a composer and as a conductor, have been a great inspiration for me when working on this record.
H Roger, may 2016Buy link : Musea
Les Allumés du Jazz
iTunes - BIOGRAPHY :
- STREAMING and DOWNLOADS : : A selection of musics from the albums released by Facing You / IMR, le Petit Label, Believe
- VIDEOS DVD "Exsurgences" :